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A specification of how two or more standards work together.

Addition in the 1994 ANSI GKS - M[UMPS] language binding.

GKS - M[UMPS] binding.

GKS (which stands for Graphical Kernel System) is a standard for producing and manipulating graphical images. The functions in GKS are called as controlmnemonics; the mnemonicspace for GKS is "GKS" (WRITE /name(parameters); all function-names are the same as the "short" names in the ANSI FORTRAN binding to GKS; all parameters are the same in order and meaning as in GKS. Parameters that receive output values are defined using the M[UMPS] Read command.

The standards for GKS that were used for this binding is ANSI X3.124-1985, which corresponds to ISO 7942-1985, and ANSI X3.124.1-1985 (GKS-FORTRAN binding).

Addition in the 1995 ANSI M[UMPS] language standard.

ANSI X3.64 - M[UMPS] binding.

ANSI X3.64 is a standard for device control command code sequences. The VT-100 compatible terminals are an example of terminals that meet this standard. The functions in X3.64 are called as controlmnemonics; the mnemonicspace for ANSI X3.64 is "X3.64" (WRITE /name(parameters); all function-names are the same as in ANSI X3.64; all parameters are the same in order and meaning as in ANSI X3.64, except for row and column numbers: X3.64 uses co-ordinates that start numbering from 1 (one), M[UMPS] uses co-ordinates that start numbering from 0 (zero).

The standard for device control that was used for this binding is ANSI X3.64-1979, which corresponds to ISO ???.

Addition in the 1995 X Window - M[UMPS] language binding.

X Window - M[UMPS] binding.

X Window is a system architecture that consists of several layers. This binding is to the X Window System Routine Libraries as produced by the X Consortium, the Intrinsic Toolkit so provided and the Motif Widget and Routine set as produced by the Open Software Foundation. The functions from the various component libraries are called using the external call syntax: $&XLIB.name(parameters), $&XMOTIF.name(parameters), $&XMOTIFRM.name(parameters), $&XTOOLKIT.name(parameters) and $&X.name(parameters). Parameters are the same in order and meaning as in the definition of the various component libraries.

At the moment in time that this binding was produced, for all of these layers of the X Window system a standard was being prepared, but not yet finalized.

Approved for addition in a future M[UMPS] language standard.

POSIX.1 - M[UMPS] binding.

POSIX is a standard that describes a number of system services and support routines to access constructs described by this standard. (Further specifics to be included after the taskgroup decides how to bind.)


Introduced in the 1995 ANSI M[UMPS] language standard.

This metalanguage symbol represents the name of an external routine. Such a name looks like LABEL or LABEL^ROUTINE.


Introduced in the 1995 ANSI M[UMPS] language standard.

This metalanguage symbol represents a reference to an extrinsic variable, an extrinsic function or a subroutine that is not necessarily part of the current M[UMPS] environment. Such an external routine may be a M[UMPS] routine in the current environment or a routine (written in any language) in an externally available library.




Introduced in the 1995 ANSI M[UMPS] language standard.

This metalanguage symbol represents the name of a package that contains external resources.

Button for 1977 Button for 1984 Button for 1990 Button for 1995 Button for MDC Button for notes Button for examples

Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2024 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2024 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2024 Ed de Moel.

Some specifications are "approved for inclusion in a future standard". Note that the MUMPS Development Committee cannot guarantee that such future standards will indeed be published.

This page most recently updated on 13-Sep-2014, 17:05:32.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)