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M[UMPS] by Example


Arithmetic operator plus (+)
Arithmetic operator minus (-)
Arithmetic operator times (*)
Arithmetic operator divided by (/)
Arithmetic operator integer divided by (\)
Arithmetic operator modulo (#)
Arithmetic operator to the power of (**)
String operator concatenate (_)
Assignment operator becomes (=)
Relational operator is equal to (=)
Relational operator object is equal to (==)
Relational operatr is greater than (>)
Relational operator is less than (<)
Relational operator is less than or equal to ('>)
Relational operator is greater than or equal to ('<)
Relational operator matches pattern (?)
Relational operator contains ([)
Relational operator follows (])
Relational operator follows or is equal to (]=)
Relational operator collates after (]])
Relational operator collates after or is equal to (]]=)
Logical operator and (&)
Logical operator or (!)
Locical operator exclusive or (!!)
Logical unary operator not (')
Indirection operator indirect (@)

The M[UMPS] programming language knows a number of ‘operators’. Some operators are the familiar arithmetic ones while others operate on strings or compare values. In M[UMPS], the operators can be mixed in any order, but keep in mind that some operators imply a specific interpretation of their operands. The only order of precedence for binary operators in M[UMPS] is the strict left- to-right evaluation, and unary operators only apply in a right- to-left order. If that order of precedence needs to be overridden, parentheses can be used to indicate that a sub- expression has to be evaluated first.

Depending on where one went to school, different schemes for the order of computations were taught. The main different ‘schools’ that I am aware of are:

  Central Europe   USA and Great Britain
1.Raising to a power1.Raising to a power (including taking roots)
4.Take root2.Multiplication or division
6.Subtraction3.Addition or subtraction

So that the result of: 4/2*2 is equal to 1 in The Netherlands (multiplication takes precedence over division), but equal to 4 in England (multiplication and division have no difference in precedence, so the left-to-right evaluation prevails).

M[UMPS] evaluates strictly from left to right, so that 1+1*2 yields 4 and not 3.

When a different precedence is to be established, parentheses should be used: the expressions 1+(1*2) and 1*2+1 will both yield 3.

Assume that K=34; the expression "_11_22_33_"["_"_K_"_" will evaluate as "134_". The order of evaluation is: first evaluate "_11_22_33_"["_", which yields 1 (true), then the rest of the expression becomes: 1_K_"_", which leads to the value "134_".
If one wished to perform a check to verify that the value of K is contained in a list, parentheses are required:
"_11_22_33_"[("_"_K_"_") will return a true-or-false value (bve, boolean valued expression), which is only true when K has one of the values 11, 22 or 33.

Assume that L=29 and K=34; the series of commands
        If K=L+3 Write !,"K=32"
will result in the text "K=32" being printed, regardless of the value of K.
In this case, the order of evaluation is: first compare K=L, which will yield 0 (false), then the evaluation continues with 0+3, which yields 3 (true), so that the commands following the If command will always be processed.
The formula that was intended could be either L+3=K or K=(L+3).

Button for 1977 Button for 1984 Button for 1990 Button for 1995 Button for MDC Button for notes Button for examples

Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2025 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2025 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2025 Ed de Moel.

The information in this page is NOT authoritative and subject to be modified at any moment.
Please consult the appropriate (draft) language standard for an authoritative definition.

Some specifications are "approved for inclusion in a future standard". Note that the MUMPS Development Committee cannot guarantee that such future standards will indeed be published.

This page most recently updated on 16-Nov-2023, 11:45:16.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)