Button for 1977 Button for 1984 Button for 1990 Button for 1995 Button for MDC Button for notes Button for examples

Metalanguage Elements

Draft MDC Standard

Annex C: Metalanguage element dictionary (Informative)

::=   definition
[ ] optional element
| | group of alternate choices
... optional indefinite repetition
ablockargument asynchronous event argument
actual actual parameter
actualkeyword actual parameter keyword
actuallist actual parameter list
actualname actual parameter name
algoref algorithm reference
alternation alternation
argument argument of a command
assignargument Assign argument
assigndestination Assign destination
assignleft Assign left
binaryop binary operator
CB close bracket character
charset character set
charsetexpr character set expression
charspec character specification
closeargument Close argument
command command
commands commands separated by cs
commandword command word
comment comment
controlmnemonic control mnemonic
CR carriage return character
cs command separator
descriptor value for character set profile
descsep separator in name of character set profile
device device
deviceattribute device attribute
devicecommand device command
devicekeyword device keyword
deviceparam device parameter
deviceparameters device parameters
devicexpr device expression
devn implementation-specific identifier for a device
digit decimal digit
dlabel indirect label (evaluated label)
doargument Do argument
ecode error code
einforef event information reference
einfoattribute event information attribute, see X11.6
<embedded SQL declare section> SQL declarative statement(s)
<embedded SQL MUMPS program> SQL program, embedded in a M[UMPS] program
<embedded SQL statement> single SQL statement
emptystring empty string
entryref entry reference
environment set of distinct names
eoffset error offset
eol end-of-line
eor end-of-routine
erchar error character
erspec event restricted specifier
espec event specifier, see X11.6
especref event specifier reference
estartargument ESTArt argument
evid event id
evclass event class
eventexpr event expression
exfunc extrinsic function
exp exponent
expr expression
expratom expression atom
expritem expression item
exprtail expression tail
externalroutinename external routine name
externref external reference
extid external identifier
extractfields fields in multi-part record
extracttemplate template for multi-part record
extsyntax external syntax
exttext external text
exvar extrinsic variable
fchar single character value
fdirectives directives for localized formatting
FF form feed character
ffformat form feed format code
fieldindex index for field in multi-part record
fieldwidth width of field in multi-part record
fmask mask for localized formatting
fncodatom $FNumber code atom
fncode $FNumber code
fncodexpr $FNumber code expression
fncodp $FNumber code P
fncodt $FNumber code T
formalline formal line (line with formallist)
formallist formal argument list
format I/O format code
forparameter For range specification
fservice service name with parameters
function intrinsic function
functionname function name
glvn global or local variable name
gnamind global variable name indirection
gotoargument Goto argument
graphic graphic (character with visible representation)
gvn global variable name
gvnexpr global variable name expression
hangargument Hang argument
ident identification
ifargument If argument
initialrecordvalue initial value for multi-part record processing
intexpr expr, value interpreted as an integer
intlit integer literal
iocommand I/O command
jobargument Job argument
jobenv Job environment
jobparameters Job parameters
killarglist Kill argument list
killargument Kill argument
L list (list of)
label label of a line
labelref label reference
leftexpr left expression
leftrestricted left restricted
levelline level line (line without formallist)
LF line feed character
li level indicator
libdatatype library data type
library library
libraryelement library element
libraryelementdef library element definition
libraryelementexpr library element expression
libraryexpr library expression
libraryopt library optional flag
libraryparam library element parameter
libraryref library element reference
libraryresult library element result
line line in routine
linebody line body
lineref line reference
lname local name
lnamind local name indirection
lockargument Lock argument
logicalop logical operator
ls label separator
lvn local variable name
lvnexpr name of local variable
mant mantissa
mergeargument Merge argument
mnemonicspace mnemonic space
mnemonicspacename mnemonic space name
mnemonicspec mnemonic space specifier
<MUMPS character variable> variable length string
<MUMPS host identifier> M[UMPS] variable name
<MUMPS length specification> length of string
<MUMPS numeric variable> variable with numeric value
mumpsreturn $MUMPS return
<MUMPS variable definition> definition of one or more M[UMPS] variables
mval M value (string)
name name
namedactual named actual parameter
namedactuallist named actual parameter list
namevalue name value
newargument New argument
newsvn New svn
nlformat new line format code
noncomma non-comma
noncommasemi non-comma or -semicolon
nonquote non-quote (any graphic not equal to quote)
nref name reference
numexpr expression, value interpreted numerically
numlit numeric literal
OB open bracket character
object expression atom, value interpreted as an OREF
openargument Open argument
openparameters Open parameters
oref object reference value
owmethod object with method
owproperty object with property
owservice object with service
packagename package name
patatom pattern atom
patcode pattern code
patgrp pattern atom group
patnonY pattern non Y
patnonYZ pattern non Y or Z
patnonZ pattern non Z
patsetdest pattern Set destination
patstr pattern string literal
pattern pattern
piecedelimiter delimiter for multi-part record
place place
positionformat position format code
postcond post condition
<precision> precision of value of SQL variable
processid process identifier
processparameters process parameters
readargument Read argument
readcount Read count
recordfieldglvn variable holding mult-part record
recordfieldvalue value for field in multi-part record
relation relational operator
repcount repeat count in patatom
restartargument restart argument
rexpratom restricted expression atom
rgvn restricted global variable name
rlvn restricted local variable name
rnref restricted name reference
routine routine
routineargument routine load or save argument
routineattribute routine attribute
routinebody routine body
routinehead routine head
routinekeyword routine keyword
routinename routine name
routineparam routine parameter
routineparameters routine parameters
routineref routine reference
routinexpr routine expression
rssvn restricted structured system variable name
<scale> order of magnitude of value of SQL variable
servicename service name
setargument Set argument
setdestination Set destination
setdextract Set destination for field in multi-part record
setdpiece Set destination for field in multi-part record
setev Set error variable
setextract Set $Extract
setleft Set left
setpiece Set $Piece
setqsub Set $QSubscript
SP space character
ssvn structured system variable name
ssvname structured system variable name
ssvnamind structured system variable name indirection
stackcode $STack code
stackcodexpr $STack code expression
strconst string constant
strlit string literal
sublit subscript literal
subnonquote subscript non-quote
svn special variable name
system system
systemexpr system expression
tabformat tab format code
textarg $Text argument
timeout time-out specification
transparameters transaction parameters
truthop truth operator
tsparam TStart parameter
tstartargument TStart argument
tstartkeyword TStart keyword
tvexpr expr, value interpreted as a truth-value
unaryop unary operator
useargument Use argument
V value (evaluates to)
VB vertical bar character
wevclass windows event class
writeargument Write argument
xargument eXecute argument
Button for 1977 Button for 1984 Button for 1990 Button for 1995 Button for MDC Button for notes Button for examples

Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2025 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2025 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2025 Ed de Moel.

Some specifications are "approved for inclusion in a future standard". Note that the MUMPS Development Committee cannot guarantee that such future standards will indeed be published.

This page most recently updated on 14-Sep-2014, 07:23:53.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)