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1995 Version of ANSI (Equivalent to Current ISO Version) of Standard

8.2.2 Close

C[LOSE] postcond SP L closeargument


expr [ : deviceparameters ]
@ expratom V L closeargument


( [ [ deviceparam ] : ] ... deviceparam


deviceattribute = expr

    devicekeyword::= name
    deviceattribute::= name

The order of execution of deviceparams is from left to right within a deviceparameters usage.

If there is no mnemonicspace in use for a device or the current mnemonicspace is the empty string then the implementation may allow any of the forms of deviceparam. The expr form may not be mixed with the other forms within the same deviceparameters.

In all other cases the expr form is not allowed.

The value of the first expr of each closeargument identifies a device (or file or data set). The interpretation of the value of this expr is left to the implementor. The deviceparameters may be used to specify termination procedures or other information associated with relinquishing ownership, in accordance with implementor interpretation.

Each designated device is released from ownership. If a device is not owned at the time that it is named in an argument of an executed Close, the command has no effect upon the ownership and the values of the associated parameters of that device. Device parameters in effect at the time of the execution of Close are retained for possible future use in connection with the device to which they apply. If the current device is named in an argument of an executed Close, the implementor may choose to execute implicitly the commands Open P Use P, where P designates a predetermined default device. If the implementor chooses otherwise, $IO is given the value of the empty string.

Button for 1977 Button for 1984 Button for 1990 Button for 1995 Button for MDC Button for notes Button for examples

Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2024 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2024 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2024 Ed de Moel.

This page most recently updated on 15-Nov-2023, 13:22:25.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)